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Grounding Ananya Sahoo I. “Beds are meant to be woken up from, Not misused as a sanctuary.” Sunlight slices through my windowtill my eyes smart.My pillow smells like dandelions in a faraway mystical land. Just five more minutes… Read More »Grounding

I Have Left the Mind

I Have Left the Mind by Afshan Shafi I have always seen it so;The mind in a silver bowlAt once uninhabitable andAvid for fleece, bridle, orSome scientific flummoxing. When the pandemic’s long red wavesFirst began… Read More »I Have Left the Mind

3/4 Her

3/4 Her by Fatima Ijaz The story of almost recedesIn the night of shade trees.Once or twice I felt youstood there waiting for me as usual butit was my fancy.  Have I ever told youThe night… Read More »3/4 Her


75 Yusra Amjad in what language do you suggest we write Pakistan?for seventy five years, seventy five tongues have failed to unite Pakistan. bengal was already bitter when hafeez jallandri penned the qaumi taranadid he… Read More »75