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Ananya Sahoo


by Ananya Sahoo I. “Beds are meant to be woken up from, Not misused as a sanctuary.” Sunlight slices through my windowtill my eyes smart.My pillow smells like dandelions in a faraway mystical land. Just five more minutes… Read More »Grounding

Sugar Crash

by Ananya Sahoo TW: Sexual Abuse I. I don’t check under the bed anymore. Did you know evil looked human,And ate dinner at your table? One hand on the cutlery, another on my frill clad thigh,Is this why… Read More »Sugar Crash


by Ananya Sahoo TW: Sexual assault I.  Aren’t broken lips aphrodisiacs? It’s date night and I wore your favorite shade of lilac lipstick.See? It matches my left eye perfectly. And Tuesday’s ‘discussion’ is peeping out shylyFrom beneath… Read More »Aphrodisiac