by Kristin Camitta Zimet

if love is
dead and I
am saved alive
who am I
was I who
will I be
a dream puts
me under and
I lie out
cold my shadow
falls away in
one two three
directions in the
hard stare of
a surgical lamp
body is stung
to sleep both
hidden and exposed
mind reaches for
a tray scalpel
clamp curette retractor
surgeon washed in
a pure gown
figured with blood
probes the cavity
cell under cell
dissects the hurt
as if a botanist
marks a transect
crawls the ground
counts shoots
what lives here
here and here
three of me
cut selves who
beg the needle
the silk suture
the rejoiner come
slip mercy through
Kristin Camitta Zimet is a poet and a surreal photographer in the United States. Her poems are imagistic and her art is metaphorical. Her poetry can be found in her book ‘Take in My Arms the Dark’, and in journals and anthologies in seven countries.
Marisa S White is best known for seamlessly stitching multiple photographs together, weaving her own personal narrative through surrealistic and fantastical imagery. Marisa has received numerous accolades for her art, has exhibited across the US and in Europe, and is collected internationally. Her work was recently featured at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, California. She currently resides in Colorado with her husband of 10+ years, whom she fondly refers to as Captain Awesome, and their two fur babies.